MacDuff - a quick profile

MacDuff on lawn


Age: 9 years. Bred by Susan and Martin Vic in Mansfield, South Dakota, January 1, 1995

Weight: 67 pounds

Personality: laid back, single-minded, friendly, lovable.

Favourite Pastimes: eating, walks, van rides, chewing bones, eating, sleeping, cuddling up with people, getting head scratches or body rub-downs, eating, playing with Max, did I mention eating?

Favourite Places: in a sunbeam, in the kitchen during food preparations, in the recliner chair, on the couch, riding in the van.

Eating Habits: can clean out his bowl in a matter of seconds ... sucks it right up like a vacuum cleaner! Good accuracy at catching popcorn or treats tossed to him.

Grooming: a bath every few weeks, regular brushing to remove loose hair, ear canals cleaned weekly (or as required), hair kept trimmed in pads, nails trimmed every two weeks, outer ear flaps cleaned after walks and rawhide chewing.

Negatives: goobers and slobbers ... Watch out!! He'll "slime" you!! Thinks he's a lap dog, all 67 pounds of him!

Claim to Fame: Won a "Longest Ear Contest". On any given event or outing ALWAYS makes the most friends and garners the most attention.

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