Max - a quick profile

Max on lawn


Age: 8 years. Bred by Gay Dunlap in Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 5, 1996

Weight: 40 pounds

Personality: playful, energetic, mischievous, loyal protector, friendly, active.

Favourite Pastimes: walks; van rides; computing (under the desk); keeping guard; tummy rubs (but no cuddling allowed!); playing with plush basketball; fetching; stealing socks, underwear, dish cloths; playing with MacDuff.

Favourite Places: under the computer desk, at the front door watching the world go by, lying on cool tile or cement floors, riding in the van.

Eating Habits: Very picky. Chewed and savoured each and every bite. Took forever to finish and usually left a few pieces in his bowl.

Grooming: required a thorough combing once a week to prevent matting. Haircut every six to eight weeks. Nails trimmed every two weeks. Hair removed from ear canals and from between pads every six to eight weeks.

Negatives: had a "greeting disorder" (a breed characteristic), tended to be a bit too "enthusiastic" at times.

Claim to Fame: at 12 weeks of age alerted us to a break-in at our neighbour's home. Show career consisting of a Canadian and an American Championship.

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