MacDuff enjoying the good life

A visit with Santa Paws

Out for a country stroll

Enjoying an autumn day
My what big ears you have!
Fun in the autumn leaves
October 2002
Decks make great pillows
September 2002
Soaking up the sun on Myrtle Beach
April 2001
MacDuff enjoys a game of tennis
April 2001
Having fun in the North Carolina snow December 2000
Helping to decorate the tree
I've tried to be a good boy all year
Waiting for Santa
Okay, who woke me?
Ah, sleep, peaceful sleep
Resting up after a walk
Okay, how did I get up here?
Did someone say "FOOD!"
Enjoying the good life in Florida
MacDuff, the "Stealth" Basset
Looking for a little action
A day in the garden
Visiting the ranch in Calgary, Alberta
All this fresh air made me tired
Now this is more my style
Down and dirty
HEY! It's cold out here!
A walk in the park
Enjoying the park

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All photos Copyright 2003 Alan C. Fox |